random thoughts on railroad photography, railfanning, technology, and such

Entries in Website (25)


NEW! ChasingSteel.com is Now Interactive

In order to solicit feedback and provide a more interactive and social experience, I have added Google Friend Connect to ChasingSteel.com.  This means that you can now join the web site by becoming a member and leave comments, rate the content, and interact with other members of ChasingSteel.com.

Here is your chance to contribute and shape the future content of ChasingSteel.com.

To sign-up, simply click on the “Join this site” button in the “Members” section of the column on the right of this page.  This will present the following pop-up dialog box which will allow you to choose an account that you currently are using for either Google, Twitter, Yahoo!, AIM, NetLog, or OpenID:


Once you have successfully authenicated to one of the systems listed above, I will ask you to answer several simple questions regarding your interest as shown:


Once you completed the survey, simply click the “Done” button - and, oddly enough, you are done!

You can now leave comments and rate the blog posts as you see fit.  Just simply click the “Sign in” button instead.

Thank you for your participation. 



New Gallery Added to My Portfolio - iPhone Art

I spend a good portion of my 3-4 hour commute each day, on the train, of course, playing with my iPhone 3GS.  I am a big fan of the iPhone and love the fact that it is a very capable graphics platform in its own right.

With the iPhone I can review my photos, take new photos and videos, and, with the vast number of various types of graphic and artist applications available for the iPhone, I can create new art.

Over the past six months or so I have created some art that I would like to share which has led me to create a new gallery section on my portfolio.  It is appropriately titled “iPhone Art.”

As always, feel free to let me know what you think.


New Portfolio and Prints Are Now Available

I have received many requests to make my prints available for purchase.  After reviewing several alternatives, I have settled on a print house that produces quality prints, bayphoto.com.  Also, I am pleased to advise you that I have created a new portfolio section of ChasingSteel.com that, I feel, has a pleasant viewing experience and has several new key features:

  • View a very cool fullscreen slideshow of each gallery
  • Rate each individual photo
  • View camera EXIF settings for each photo, where applicable
  • Leave comments on each gallery or individual photos
  • Purchase prints in various sizes
  • Purchase downloads of the original photo in various resolutions
  • Share the photos with embeddable links
  • Search photos using keywords or unit numbers

The new portfolio section is now online!  Please check it out and be sure to let me know what your impressions are or if you find any issues or bugs with portfolio, I would appreciate it.
