

January/Febraury Issue of ArriveArrive is Amtrak’s bimonthly onboard maagzine for Amtrak patrons and travelers in northeast section of the country.  It is akin to the “InFlight” magazines on airlines.

Considering that most of us are not regular travelers, I suspect that few of you in the southwest region of the country have had  an opportunity to read a recent article that appeared in the January/February issue of Arrive.  So I thought I would pass it on here in case you’re interested.

Vice President Joe Biden graces the cover and he wrote the cover story “Why America Needs Trains” in which he discusses his association with trains and his thoughts on the value of a strong rail travel infrastructure for America.

He has self-proclaimed himself as “Mr. Amtrak” because of his volume of use of Amtrak’s service between Wilmington, Delaware and Washington D.C. throughout his tenure as a Senator.


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    One of the Capitol Hill newspapers estimated that I've taken more than 7,000 round trips on Amtrak over the course of my career. But the one I made on Jan. 17, 2009 was a bit different. When I got there, there were 8,000 people standing in the freezing cold. And I wasn't racing to reach the 7:46 a.m. Metroliner (later, the Acela) that I had taken thousands of times before...
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